Methinks I've just created a new discussion board......and to think, there was once a time when the VK website was all we ever needed for communication.
*shrug* I don't care who sees it, but I wasn't planning on announcing it or anything. I don't care if anybody gives out the link though. Besides, I feel strange self-promoting like that anyway.
I'm a former student at LeTourneau University, an institution dedicated to pioneering the art of creating hard-to-spell names for alum to put on their license plate frames. I enjoy being someone who is difficult to understand. I very much like being a bright and cheery person - especially for those people who seem to think that today is just another day to be endured. One might even say that I can take a form of perverse pleasure out of this form of torture. The best part is the sweatshirts, though. I love the bright colors, the soft and fuzzy's all part of my plot to make the most depressed person be able to look at me and say, "Please die."
Here are two that are worse:
Daniel has a special talent for finding these gems, really.
It's not a talent, it's a mailing list. I have the men of the Seattle Men's Chorus to thank.
Well, talent got you on that list, no?
Methinks I've just created a new discussion board......and to think, there was once a time when the VK website was all we ever needed for communication.
Speaking of which... were you planning to share your blog with them? You might be able to offer Gibil some competition!
*shrug* I don't care who sees it, but I wasn't planning on announcing it or anything. I don't care if anybody gives out the link though. Besides, I feel strange self-promoting like that anyway.
Hey, I'd hate to have missed this!
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