Monday, April 16, 2007

ARGH! The Questions!

Can you ride a bicycle?
Yup. I learned when I was 4ish, if I recall correctly. I'll answer a later question on the list by also responding that I do in fact own a bicycle. It probably hasn't moved in about 2 years. It's a 21-speed mountain bike (nobody has a bicycle out where I live that isn't a mountain bike).

Have you ever broken a bone? (What? That isn't a comment on the idea of you engaging in physical activities!)
Indeed I have. Funny story that. Yup, quite the story.

What is your favorite view (Out of a particular window, from a tourist attraction, on top of a hill...)?
I like Bryce Canyon. From any perspective, it's the only natural landmark that I've seen (and I've seen a significant number of the ones in the US) that I actually find attractive beyond "Oh, neat. Can we go now?"


JadeGordon said...

I've had a fractured skull. I bet your shocked that my head has suffered damage. (-:

Karya said...

At least tell us what bone it was. *sheesh* Like pulling teeth. (-;

TurboNed said...

She already told you - it was her skull. *grin*

JadeGordon said...

Maybe Uthalwinn needs to wake up on a limb, eh? (-:

TurboNed said...

Oh, so now *you're* pulling the teeth?

JadeGordon said...

Sometime on vent I can tell you two about my tooth pulling experiences.

If it gets Lori closer to an answer, I' totally tying one end of a string to one of Uthalwinn's teeth, the other to Quimby, and letting his Dash. (-:

TurboNed said...

Nah, I already told Lori Ann what happened with my broken bone. I'm just torturing you now.

JadeGordon said...

Well... I suppose that means in the next dungeon, I get to see Quimby pull a boss right to you, and it will be an absolute mystery how it occured. *giggle*

TurboNed said...

*shrug* You think I care how many times I (or Uthalwinn) die in a dungeon? Have you *seen* me in Scholo on DoubleL?

JadeGordon said...

I'll... I'll... loot your devout gloves before you rez!

TurboNed said...

Already gots 'em.

JadeGordon said...

I surrender. You can keep your bones all secrety.

JadeGordon said...

I saw your nooooddly arm!!